Saturday, March 28, 2009

Stopped out

Out stop was activated and we are out. The reason I gave a second chance to this trade was many negative signs that has been collected since 750 area.

While in the first the trade was not going our direction , Thursday and Friday led me think that we are in the right way. The new rescue plan which was published on Monday caused to 7% huge rally and it hasn’t helped the trade.

While I am sure the pullback is very close, there is a chance that market will continue up.
The purpose of stop loss is risk mangment. Swingit has stricted risk managemnt to not risk more than 5% a trade no matter what.

Althogh you think you are right , you can’t win them all.
Not having stop can blow out accounts.

I am confident to have Swingit in new highs over the coming months.